lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Social skills

Showing respect

-  Take care of classroom equipment.

-  Show curiosity about the immediate environment

-  Appreciate plants and animals

-  Have an appreciation of people who help us in our daily lives.

Social skills

Sharing and participating

·         Realise that the classroom equipment belong to everyone.

·         Share classroom equipment, and take turns to use things.

·         Enjoy tidying up, and know where to put things.

·         Help in class and at home, set the table at home, have class monitors.

·         Be interested in contributing towards a frieze, decorating the class for Festivals, collecting items for a display, bringing things from home.

·         Take pleasure in giving presents and giving thanks.

·        Take turns and follow the rules in a game.

·        Enjoy celebrations and parties.

Social skills

Behaviour patterns

By the end of Infants the children should be aware of, or be able to understand and respect dining room rules or take pleasure in listening.

At Primary School children have to learn to accept the concept of losing and winning when playing a game because if they learn it at these stages it will be very useful in the future and they can create a great environment at school with their partners. Also they should have to develop a helpful and co-operative attitude during playing time.

Social Skills

Personal hygiene and health

It is very important for children to learn the follow behaviours about their personal hygiene and health:

  • Understand and respect dining room rules like: “Wash your hands before you eat”, “brush your teeth after eating”.
  • Understand that sweets cause tooth decay.
  • Have an awareness of the importance of a balance diet.
  • Enjoy eating fruit
  • Realise the importance of protection from the sun in summer and the cold in winter.
  • Understand daily routines related to hygiene and dress.
  • Be able to dress and undress them selves.

We can find different resources online as support:
The poop song to go to the toilet:

Social Skills


Teachers have to develop expressing feelings of children, these type of social skills are very important because children have to know how to involve their selves in different situations and to know how to control their selves. Also they have to learn the relationship’s values, the help of others and what the feelings meaning in different situations and how to interact with other people when they looks, for example: happy, angry or sad.

Children can improve this social skills playing different roles and express emotions using dramatisation (puppets or soft toys). These type os social skills are also useful to know hoe to express love for family and affection.

We can find different resources online as support:

Socilal Skills

Greetings and Goodbyes

It is important to know the different ordinary expressions in a foreign language and became familiar with them. Because of that is essential deal with songs at the begging of the morning as well as when we are going to finish the class.

We can find many resources online for greetings and goodbyes songs. For example:

Social skills

The development of social skills is an essential part of the daily routine in Infants. These are already taught as an integral part of the Spanish curriculum and should be included in classroom planning for the English part of the curriculum.  Particular aspects are concentrated on through different topic areas. The objectives here are expressed as desirable outcomes and should form part f the teacher’s ongoing assessment of each child.

Class routines

Children have to use class routines to organised their time when they are learning. To make different stages in class promote in students a good predisposition to learn and for understanding.

Teachers have to organise the classroom through starting the lesson, the middle and the end of the lesson to create a good work structure for children. It makes children get used to different behaviours patterns to be a respectful and a good citizen.

We have to have in our classes a big wall which contains the rules of the class.
We also have to create a corner which contains respectful rules about the environment rather the school’s environment or outdoors.